Our Arts and Craft for Hina-Matsuri or the so called Girl’s Day. It is observed on March 3 to celebrate female children and pray for their continued health and happiness.
Preparing for our up-coming Sports Day in March. The tiny pillow game and giant ball relay are best games ever. The children are making themselves ready to compete for our Sports Day.
Birthday Party 2月誕生日会
Bean Grasping Competition for our Setsubun celebration.
Preparation for our Sports Day.
Setsubun 節分
Setsubun celebration at school. We made Otafuku mask and huge demon’s mask to literally do this spring traditional celebration.
The students enjoyed throwing the roasted soybeans(called “fortune beans” (福豆 fuku mame) at at teacher holding the Oni (demon or ogre) mask, while they were yelling “Demons out! Luck in!” (鬼は外! 福は内!Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!) and slam the gate. It was a very exciting childhood experience ever.
Birthday Party 1月誕生日会
Another year was added to our Birthday Celebrants for the month of January. Happy Birthday. May all your dreams come true.