
Christmas Crafts

On Dec 19th on this day the C&E kids also spent the morning doing Christmas crafts. All the children had a very good time and the results were very nice.

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Christmas Party

Dec 19th C&E had a Christmas Party. The children played games designed by the teachers and had a very good time at school.


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Foundation Day

On Dec 18th C&E international held its’s annual Foundation Day. The performances were all very nice and the children did a great job. It was a very special day.

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What a Crazy Costume Day!

On Dec 2nd C&E Had it’s annual Costume Day or Crazy Day. All children and staff were encouraged to wear any costume they liked on this day. The children dressed in many interesting costumes, some cute, some scary, and everyone had a great time to communicate and enjoy the day.

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Cooking Day

On Nov. 18th C&E International had a day of school cooked lunches. The school used the produce purchased by the Jump class earlier in the week. Each student was given the chance to prepare part of the meal. The result was delicious. It was also a  good and educational experience for the children.

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Posting Day

On Nov 15th -17th C&E students posted their Foundation Day invitations. Each class led by their teacher walked to the nearby post box and mailed their invitations. It was a very good time and experience.

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Jump Class goes shopping

On Nov 15th the Jump class went shopping at Youme Town in Saijo. This was to prepare for Cooking Day. The students purchased many delicious vegetables for the school. Jump class had a great time learning about how to buy groceries! img_20161115_104623 img_20161115_105100 img_20161115_110239 img_20161115_112617