
Persimmon picking 柿狩り

Persimmon picking at the backyard is one of the best activities we experienced at school.


Birthday Party 10月誕生日会

Special time of the month is to celebrate the birthday of the children who were born in the month of October..

Arts and Craft   秋のフレーム

The children tried to build a fantastic 3D frame. It has been the most popular craft in many pre-school. They enjoyed doing their own poses. It was lot of fun.

Gardening Day ガーデニングデー

Getting ready for harvest day! All the children enjoyed cleaning up the sweet potato garden bed. They pulled-out wild grasses and weeds. 


Arts and Crafts Shape of Moon 工作 月


The  children  made moon in crescent shape for the purpose of shape identifications.

Respect for the Aged Day 敬老の日カード

Students wrote messages for their grandparents in celebration of Respect for the Aged day 2018.

Cooking Day だんごクッキング

We cooked dumplings dipped with soy bean powder and sugar for our dessert.

Arts and Crafts Paper Dumplings お月見団子工作

We made paper dumplings. It symbolizes autumn moon.

Pajama Day パジャマデー

Our Kindergarten classes wore pajamas to school as they participated in our Bedtime Story Telling activity.